Embrace the mystery
When the main character in your life, which is probably you, stands in a room with closed doors leading to who knows where, and all you have to do is turn the knob to any door and risk finding out, what advice would you give that character?
Don’t know whats gonna happen next? Neither does anyone else. Playing a waiting game? So is everybody else. We are always seeking answers to our future. We want windows in the closed doors and when there aren’t any, we get nervous. We want direction, sometimes to the point of just giving up our will to others, asking them to tell us what to do. One day I stood at my father’s grave asking him to give me direction. Its natural, I suppose, to need certainty in our lives, but sometimes…
Sometimes, its important to embrace the uncertainty. Call it letting go. Call it opening up. Call it trust. I like to call it “embracing the mystery,” and its given me freedom lately. I hope it can give you some too.
Embrace the mystery means this for me:
Trust it will be ok, be optimistic instead of doomsdayish, believe in good over evil, address the best qualities of humanity and celebrate them because tomorrow is unknown. I mean, why drag around all the baggage of yesterday and the people squealing like idiots today, only to be lost again tomorrow. Right a wrong with a right. Give credit where its due. Believe, no matter how bleak it looks, that I can’t know the outcome yet. Not fully. But I can know that I’ll get through it, somehow, someway, because I’m stronger than I think.
But most all. Embrace the mystery means letting the things that I can’t control go, and marching into the unknown with curiosity rather than resentment or fear.
Will you embrace life with me? Comment below. Dare to live fully in uncertain times. In spite of uncertain times. Just say yes and I believe your life perspective will be even more free than normal.
Ps. Some people might ask what all this has to do with horses. Answer… maybe everything, because leading a horse isn’t much different than leading a human ;)
Comments are welcome 🙏